Thursday, June 24, 2010


I've been unsure about whether to post anything about today - because I know we cannot possibly all share the same political views, and I really don't want to offend or isolate any of you who read this - so if you don't like political content, look away now...

Today, my original plans were disrupted by rather big political news - instead of big creative space plans, I found myself in front of the television, watching history unfolding - unfolding in an awkward and uncomfortable way, but unfolding none the less.

Today for the first time we have a female prime minister. To me, that's important - just as the election of this man was important too.

(as decorated by the mini blogger on Obama's inauguration day...)

It's important because we live in a world where we are not all treated as equals. Women get paid less for the same work, and people who are not white often face discrimination and injustice.

The first female prime minister of Australia, and the first black president of the USA, don't suddenly make everything equal and perfect, but they help remind us (or me at least) of what is possible.

And so, despite all of today's imperfections (and I do feel genuinely sorry for Kevin), I think a modest celebration is in order. Gingerbread women anyone?

Political soapboxing completed - I'll be returning to regular programming now!


  1. Soap-box away sister! I read today about your new PM and it's all good news!

  2. well said Catherine!
    here's hoping it's a positive.

  3. Pretty amazing things afoot at present hey! Grand time to be raising kiddies in this amazing world I say! Hope all is wonderful in your world :)

  4. I'm celebating too, it's been an amazing day for women of Australia. I was so thrilled to tell my girls what was likely to happen this morning and then I realised it's great for my son too. No matter what happens, and I'm sure there will be plenty of positives and negatives, it's so fantastic for our children to see women in powerful positions. Not only that but women with strength and determinatin making decisions for us all. Yay for Julia! Lets hope she makes the best prime minister ever xo

  5. I found you via chunkychooky. As I said on her blog I'm really glad that people are writing and talking about this. It's important, noteworthy and historically significant. And amazing, incredible, wonderful.

    And like you, I spared a thought for Kevin, who certainly experienced one of the hardest days of his life.

  6. did you do the drawing - not a bad likeness! I'm loving your quirky celebration with gingerbread women :)

  7. i'll have a gingerbread lady, please. :)
    we only just fell short of a female prime up here ourselves (in belgium).
    on the other hand, programs are just as important. iron ladies we can miss...
