Thursday, July 8, 2010

my creative space - doing something

What we do is important. It helps us to define who we are and what is important to us. It influences our health. Getting the balance right between doing what we need to do, and what we want to do, helps us lead happier lives. I should know this - it's the basic principle underpinning my work as an Occupational Therapist - but lately I haven't been living it. I've been going through the motions, doing "just enough" to get by, and it shows.

I decided it was time to change. I booked a couple of "well" days off work (otherwise known as annual leave) to spend some child-free days at home, getting back on track, and getting back to "doing".

Early in the hours of my first "well" day, I heard a cough, then another. Soon after, a small body was snuggled into mine, and she was being quiet (a bad sign indeed!). I had to quickly accept that the day would not be child-free after all... and I learned a big lesson. Maybe I just had to get on with things - no excuses, no special conditions, just get doing again.

This is what I did this week...

I made invitations for our girl's third birthday party - inspired by these cards from Myrtle and Eunice (thank you Tania!) ...

I did some cleaning - well, actually not much cleaning...

I finally posted this (only three weeks since we made it!)...

I exercised - thanks to some enthusiastic and friendly work mates...

I did some night time knitting - a little birthday scarf...

I made some calls, and organised a few appointments I'd been putting off for a while...

and I finally took down the sewing machine from that high shelf and starting making some baby gifts...

Pop over to Kirsty's to see what others have been doing too!

Edited to add: Today I remembered the importance of balancing doing with not doing, and have been enjoying some pyjama time visiting all your creative spaces - isn't Thursday such a good time for that?


  1. wow your have been a busy bee... i love that envelope... so pretty!

  2. Phew! Sounds VERY productive! Nice work.

  3. Wow! Well done you for being so productive! I bet you felt proud as punch at the end of the day!!
    Thanks for your comments on my blog..

  4. Looks like you got through quite a bit! how good are those days that you take off just to faff about the house? they're among the best 'holidays' ever. "Well Days" I likey a lot.


  5. Such a busy creative space.....congratulations on just doing! x

  6. your not doing has certainly been all turned around!! very productive!

    hope you enjoy your pyjammie time, that's exactly what i'm doing today too :)

  7. Goodness! Look how creative you are! Brilliant.

    Love the flea, and the knitted scarf deserves to become an heirloom.

    Clever you!

  8. The days can seem to just roll by can't they! Good on your for booking in some "you" time and connecting with your doing self. Hope you've had fun :)

  9. You have been very busy - in spite of the pyjama time! I empathise with you on savouring the thought of a "me-time" day, only to have it interrupted by a sick child who didn't read the schedule! Ah well.... Love the garter stitch scarf - makes me want to break my knitting hiatus.

  10. Hey - love that scarf - what yarn did you use?

  11. I am hearing you ( I am a fellow allied health person)- you need the time alone in a quiet house- I have a day a week like this and it is just heavenly.

  12. i would love a day alone, I know it's needed when little things get to me I get all upset & teary.
    well done on getting that balance right, it's so important & definitely needed.
    love your creations!
    have fun creating & a happy end of week Catherine ♥

  13. I love Thursdays too.....and I agree, somethimes you just have to get "doing", and it looks like you've been doing alot!

  14. Wow - you've been flat out. Totally relate to setting a healthy pace. These school holiday's I've been practising just being 'present' and I've got to say, its a lovely breath of fresh air.

  15. You have been busy whipping up a creative storm. What a sweet scarf and that rabbit is just adorable:) I hope that you get a chance for some more me time to gather your thoughts and chill Catherine. It's so important to have time to yourself and feel like an adult again. Take care. xo

  16. Your bunny rabbit is very Cute!

  17. How predictive of you!!! Go with it while you can...

    Xo Steph

  18. I adore the pink and coral scarf...if only I could knit.
    Maybe someday-until then, I'l admire everyone elses knitting projects.

  19. You have certainly undertaken the task of 'doing' with great gusto! You've made me feel quite lazy! I hope you did get some peace time though- and I hope your small person is feeling better. PEta

  20. What a wonderful creative space! The invitations are just fabulous - love ms Tania to bits too :) and all the handmade gifts are incredible - you got so much done! I think I need you as my life coach! ;) Have a great week. Kx

  21. great post, i think every mum would relate. you achieved an amazing amount in a short space of time. lovely work

  22. So hard to find that balance sometimes isn't it. Doing a blog has actually been helping me enormously in finding the time for me and bit of creating - being encouraged by all you other girls out there doing the same thing! You were extremely productive on your days at home - and with kids in tow too!

  23. Great stuff! I really love the knitted project & the bunny!
