Thursday, July 15, 2010

my slightly creative space

Well, it was inevitable, wasn't it? After gloating last week about finally getting going, my creative pursuits were suddenly halted - I am now temporarily one-eyed (well, kind of one-and-a-half eyed!).

Luckily, today we have a distraction - it is Miss Mini Blogger's birthday!

Of course, I had to abandon my last minute handmade gift ideas, but at least there were two special little things wrapped up...

Pigeon was an instant hit - he got to read his book...

go for a fly...

and then practice his dialogue before putting on a play (held on the window sill to entertain any real pigeons passing by ... )

(she even finally agreed to wear her scarf - this was not such an instant hit, but I think she's getting used to it now!)

Party preparations are slowly progressing too - I've had to simplify some of my handmade contributions, but somehow I don't think the guests will notice!

So far I'm working on the party favours

and doing the kind of knitting you can do in the dark...

looking forward to visiting you all at Kirsty's (in a couple of days when I can see you properly!).


  1. How cute! It really is alot of fun adding those special, unique bits and pieces to your kids birthday parties. Have FUN.

  2. Mo Willems' books are hilarious!

    Happy Birthday to your little one.

    Your very lucky to be able to knit ... and the scarf looks beautiful.

  3. OH Mr P is just the ants pant Catherine, and I can see I'm not the only one who thinks so. xo

  4. that pigeon is fabulous!and i really really love that pigeon book (i forget what it is called, but my friend was given it for her birthday a few months ago, and we call had a good giggle)

    and i just wanted to say - lovely blog...

  5. Mr Pigeon is fab!! She sure looks chuffed with him. Hope your poor eye is on the mend...nothing too serious I hope :( Wishing youa miraculous overnight recovery and stress free party preps :)

  6. love the pigeon! but of course he would look better with a beard! x

  7. our kids love their finger puppets - mr pigeon is fantastic! I'm also loving that little sneak peak of the party favours.... you are giving me ideas..... looking forward to seeing the end results of the party!
