Saturday, September 25, 2010

because i am a good wife...

Because I am a good wife, I made this scarf for our girl - who wore it for five minutes before deciding Little Ted liked it better (I think he does, actually).

Because I am a good wife, I spent this afternoon doing everything in my power to keep a noisy 3 year old from being a noisy 3 year old (and was grateful for a sunny day with lots of opportunities for chalk art and nature study).

I listened to the game on the radio, and popped my head in for a smile during the good bits, and stayed well away during the bad bits...

and, because I am a good wife, I will be doing it all again next week....

give me strength!


  1. he, he. boys and their sport. Your a great supportive wife! Love the worms and the carnation in chalk and even the matching lego! Maybe Dad could enjoy the game at a mates house next week....

  2. My husband just told me the match ended in a draw! We may as well be in a different country ... not that AFL dominated up here!

  3. I think Ted looks cute as. Chalk drawing is so much fun. Have a great week next week.

  4. wow-ee what a weekend at yours!! Bravo to you for entertaining children whilst said husband can have a bit of telly time - pity about it being repeated next week though! I;ve discovered your lovely blog from Steph at Mon Petit Poppet! What a delightful find...xx
