Sunday, October 3, 2010

flea market finds

My find this week is from a few weeks ago - I'm trying to keep myself out of op-shops for a few weeks while I clean up a bit, so I'll be showing off the things I never got around to posting before...

This bag is not what I went out looking for that Saturday a few weeks ago. I'd gone out early (under the guise of "grocery shopping", I'll admit) in the hope of picking up a vintage board game I'd seen in the op shop window the day before when I couldn't go in. At the time, I'd thought, "cute, but I don't really need it", but overnight it somehow turned into "something I must have". So there I was, back at the op shop, to find it gone. In my desolation, I rummaged through 3 (yes, 3) op shops to find something to assuage my non-buyers remorse.

This is it - cheaper than the vintage board game, prettier and probably heaps less dusty, and, well, you can't wear a board game, can you?

Well, maybe you could if you really wanted to, but you'd probably lose all the pieces...

Note also the fabulous retro scrap fabric dress made by one of her awesome aunties

To see more lovely finds (including another gorgeous dress!) visit Sophie's.


  1. What a sweet set of photos! Your little one is gorgeous - love her dress and yes, that bag was worth going back for! :)

  2. you definitely had to go back for that bag. i think i might have too.
    My Flea Market Find

  3. lovely story, gorgeous dress, lovely face!!!! :)))

  4. Love the dress! Love the bag! Love the chest of drawers! Love the child!

  5. she's quite the little fashionista!
    i love the bag & the delightful dress to match :)

  6. awesome bag and that dress - what a fabulously chic aunty!

  7. I assume you didn't find the sweetie at the op shop and she was the deal with the bag!
    ;) Irene x

  8. Great bag, great frock but best of all is the great model!

  9. oh i love the fabric on the dress...

  10. so much more practical than a board game :) x

  11. Hope you find the board game on another visit:) Love the bag - it is great - I saw one at a shop here that sell vintage things and they had $75 ON IT!

  12. I totally sympathize with you about the MUST have that got away and trawling around till something else takes away the regret.

    I think you came up trumps with that bag and what a cutie she is in that fab dress.

    I did see Kate's post about colouring wool. How cool was that!

  13. Gorgeous dress! I like your wallpaper too!

  14. Oh I do that often, i feel like I should have learnt by now, nothing worse than going back for something you can;t stop thinking about and finding it gone! My new motto is "by it now, re-donate if you don't love it!"
    Love the bag though!!
