Sunday, October 17, 2010

flea market finds

In the interests of blog honesty, I went op-shopping last weekend - when I was supposed to be staying away... woolf - you noticed my admission last week, so here are some (yes, some - I forgot to photograph a couple of things) of the things that came home.

True story... when I saw this toy iron, and said "Oh look, it's an iron," my daughter loudly asked "Mum, what's an iron?" in front of a number of amused women... luckily one kind older woman turned to me and said "don't worry, nobody irons much these days..."

Once again the button drawers were opened (by the daughter who loves op shops as much as me) and these treasures were found - do you love the man with an eye patch too (you can click on the photo for a better look at him)?

More treasures to be uncovered at Sophie's.


  1. what is an iron anyway ;)
    pretty cool. sometimes we get more amused by the finds than the little ones.

  2. lovey, i've searched for the eye patched man... clicking away.
    and thx for the mention, of course. sweet!
    it's all for a good purpose, our thrifting. and it is too!
    so, is it true? do you not use the iron so often then? (ahem). i seem to be operating it all too often, and right now? i can't find the iron back for the mountains of.... that's right.

  3. I do love that button.

    I hope my future children will also be unaware of what an iron is. That's the kind of future I dream of :)

  4. so cute! It was funny when my niece asked what a tape (audio tape) was as well! I was used to questions like "what is a dolphin" but for an everyday thing that I USED to use a lot?? (Note how I said USED!!) Great button finds!

  5. An iron is one of those things that only gets turned on for sewing purposes!

  6. Vintage buttons are the sweetest!

  7. heheh gotta love children for those wonderful comments. why is it everything is always quiet at the time?

    i love button drawers at oppys. i have only found one over here in perth that has one. and one that had button jars. big big big jars all colour coordinated. but no trays to tip them out and go through them! makes it difficult (but i do love a challenge)

  8. Kids huh? They'll show you up. I wasn't quite sure what an iron was until I'd read your post...

    Buttons are cute as a buttons.

  9. I love buttons too. I'm considering walking into my local Red Cross and purchasing the lot before I move!

  10. I love the iron story, I always love old buttons too!

  11. and then i found the one eyed man (when blogger finally allowed me to open up the image).....
