Saturday, October 23, 2010

to market, to market...

I took a break from my usual reverse finding today (but if you're still keen, the linky - and giveaway - from last week are still open until next Friday...), to have some market going fun... on my own... for a good few hours.... bliss!

I can't show you what I bought, as I mainly gathered up presents for Christmas, but I did get to visit some stalls by a few amazing bloggers: Jess of Teddy Bears Wednesday, Cathie (m.e.), Buttons by Lou Lou, Little Cooties, and Emily Green, whose works I'd never seen before.

Oh, and this pig is wrapped up in the tape that Jess used to wrap up my little purchases from her stall... my girl thinks that I was out for most of the day, and all I came home with was this tape, and some sweet and lovely treats from the sweet and lovely Cathie... and she doesn't mind at all!

I'm hoping to hit another market tomorrow - this time with my family. Hope you're having a fun weekend too!


  1. I love that tape. Is it sticky tape.

    Great photo, by the way.

    Christmas shopping! Yay!

  2. It was lovely to meet you Catherine. I'm glad you had a nice day out on your own. Thanks for coming all the way out to meet us! Lou.

  3. hehe I love this photo. and I so glad someone else thinks the tape is as exciting as me.
    Thank you so much for popping by and our chats, I had a ball!! xp

  4. Oooh that's nice tape and wow you've been busy also.

    Some exciting news, you are the winner from my giveaway,YIPEE!! Just pop over to my blog for the details.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


