Wednesday, December 29, 2010

sensitive? me???

Over the past few days I've considered a few different ways to write about the Christmas that was...

but even though I'm not always the nicest person in real life (a couple of moments on Christmas day revealed that rather clearly), I like having a nice blog... so I have belatedly learned to hold my tongue.

Then I read this book again (it's by Tony Wilson, a Melbourne based author who writes about people who like their pants pulled up high, brave flowers, and mauve traffic lights, among other things)...

Usually when I read this, I think about some people I know...

we all know that kind of person, don't we?

except today I realised that sometimes I'm that kind of person.

A person who can't bear to sleep in polyester sheets, who takes offence at tiny slights, and, well, feels a bit like I'm walking around with a stone in my shoe (or a pea or three in my mattress)...

So, perhaps this year when (if?) I write my resolutions, a little less sensitivity and a little more resilience should be on the list...

By the way, I'm not usually a resolutions list kind of person - are you? Do you have any tricks for keeping them achievable, and, well, keeping them?

PS: find this awesome book here (among other places, I'm sure!). I love teaching my daughter subverted fairy tales before she's had a chance to learn the "official" ones!


  1. Oh I'm definitely a resolutions kind of person. I love a list of any kind!! I think by writing them down and sticking them somewhere obvious helps me stick to them. Also I'm reeeeeally stubborn :-)

  2. Are you sensitive or are the people around you insenstive. I find people often describe others as " sensitive" when they feel it is ok to make "jokes" at their expense all the time...
    no resolutions here.

  3. I love your post with such honesty so now am your newest recruit. I live for lists but havent written any lately. (what does that mean?) I dont have a life at the moment? Probably...

    I have left over resolutions from last year!

  4. What a brave and honest post Catherine. You're a star.
    Although I do wonder if Cath is on to something too. There are always two parts to every story. Other people bring their stuff to the table too, personal tensions rarely come from one person entirely
    I know I'm a hugely sensitive person and have had to learn ( and keep relearning) to have a tougher skin.
    I'm not a huge resolution person, but like to have aims. And I always have dreams and hopes, haha, i'm a bit of dreamer.

  5. I wouldn't self-analyse too much. I like you ... if you're sensitive it just means you care about things and have high standards and expectations. What's wrong with that?

    I don't make resolutions ... that way if I manage to achieve anything during the year, it's a major surprise and coup!

  6. I love writing a list of goals and intentions for the new year. I do it every year. I make it a big mixture of dreams and hopes, plans and goals so that it's about effort and a little bit of magic. I'm always pleasantly surprised by how much of it I actually achieve just by putting the intention there.

    Happy new year Catherine.

    As for the sensitivity/insensitivity stuff, I hear you. I found Xmas day really difficult this year. My realisation was that it's highly unlikely that the dynamics in my family are going to change so I'm probably going to need to build up some more resilience. Even if people are being quite insensitive to others.
