Saturday, September 10, 2011

itchy stitchy

Today, she announced that she felt "itchy stitchy"...

you know, that feeling you get when all you want to do is stitch...

and stitch...

and stitch...

Isn't it a wonderful feeling when you get to do just what you like for a while? I hope you got that chance today too.

P.S. - we used nylon netting as the " invisible fabric" (when I couldn't find the hessian I know I have somewhere...), and a yarn needle. Super easy and fun!


  1. She's so cute and so bright.

    I can't quite believe how quickly she's growing up ... yet she still looks like you've taken her from the pages of an old-fashioned children's book ... her gorgeous hair and dimples!

  2. that is just so so so adorable!!! what's better than kids art work like that - have a blissful Sunday xx

  3. Awww sweet! What is that see through fabric? I really like that idea for littlies. They can really see what they're stitching and won't accidentally prick fingers.

  4. yes Catherine, what is that see through fabric- great idea!!!

  5. Little Miss is a born stitcher.
    And the phrase "itchy stitchy" is my new favourite

  6. What a fabulous project for an itchy-stitchy kid!!!

  7. You've reminded me to get some wee stitchy tools together for poppet! Thanks so much for the inspiration. She sure looks chuffed with her delightful stitching :) x

  8. Using the netting is a great idea. I might give this a go with my little one.

  9. what a great idea! she's done an awesome job & so proud!
    sending you hugs ♥
