Sunday, February 19, 2012

good things

I'm just taking a moment to enjoy some of the good things in our life right now...

Celebrating with the gorgeous Jess and her lovely family and friends at the opening of her (and Martin's) exhibition.

Making yummy carrot-banana-sultana cupcakes, with a recipe I first made in my teens (I think).

Styling advice - "pansy cupcakes would be nice" - courtesy of a certain curly haired girl.

Celebrating 156 months since our first date (we went here, saw this and froze on a cold Melbourne night...) with fancy pancakes (thanks to Cath for the link).

 and having fun with some "secret pancake messages"...

Hoping your day is full of good things... x


  1. LOVE the secret pancake messages.
    And love having special friends like you ( and Isabelle) in my life. xo

  2. You lucky thing---glad you made it to Jess' opening! Love the pancake messages...

  3. That all looks delicious!
    It was so lovely to meet you on friday night and put a face to the blog. It was lots of fun sharing nasu dengaku with you too.
    I hope you have a gorgeous week with your lovelies.
    Ps. Happy 156 months!
