Tuesday, May 8, 2012

trying and not trying

A few days ago I made my first toy from this gorgeous book - to celebrate the birthday of a delightful, adorable one year old boy.

It took me days to choose the pattern, and hour upon hour to make... not because the pattern was hard, or the instructions hard to follow (it was in fact beautifully set out), but because of me... my worrying, my procrastinating, my trying sooo hard (I tried so hard I managed to break an embroidery needle)...

In the end, this little hippo turned out pretty well, but I see him and think of my struggle making him, wishing I'd felt joy instead.

Last night, just before bed, the curly haired girl announced that her whale Teacle was now fully grown and wanted to have a baby (!)...

I found my chance to make with more joy and less trying.

A rough pattern was made, the trackie pant and t shirt scraps box found, and by the time QandA was finished (with regular breaks from stitching to talk back to the television), a baby whale was born.

Baby whale is by no means perfect, but is absolutely gorgeous.

Teacle is a very happy mum...

I'm glad I'm a person who tries hard, and cares and worries a lot about things, but I'm glad to learn the lesson that less worrying and less trying can sometimes be a better path...


  1. Oh this post resonates. I try so hard sometimes that I take all the joy out of everything... Yes i am glad to be a bit of a perfectionist (or totally obsessively anal) but how I wish I could let things go occassionally..
    Your hippo and baby whale are awesome but its the baby whale that totally kills me....

  2. Clever you!! They're all just gorgeous. I don't have the patience. But I'll take your advice: 'more joy less trying'.

  3. oh they are all just gorgeous and that whale almost looks cheeky! i love it when you try something new and learn a few lessons' on the way. some of my best creations are from trying less and letting it create itself! job well done!

  4. I can also relate to this post so much Catherine, I often get myself in the same state about a bear I'm making that it loses all the joy and is just full of dis-satissfaction and heartache. And then there are those little your gorgeous little baby whale full of ease and joy.
    like JOdie as pleases as I am about wanting to get things "perfect" i wish I wouldn't let it tear me up so much. But over time I've come to terms with my "ways" and to know often the ones I agonise over are a) the ones that mean the most to me, b) the ones I end up loving the most or c) taking a week's break and coming back afresh does wonders.
    OH and d- not to look at it too long.
    But you know what in the end of the day, it's often not up to us, the person who the toys is intended for or speaks can only see it's wonderfulness.
    Like I adore both your hippo and baby whale, and can't see how you worry so much about Hippo.
    sorry for the long comment xoxo

  5. I reckon they are both asexually gorgeous as each other and it shows that stressing over it doesn't mean in the end it oops better. they re bot lovely lovely. I love that hop Skip Jump stuff- its all beautiful.

  6. They are absolutely adorable. I am too much I'd a perfectionist for my own good a lot of the time and find it do liberating to be able to just relax and create - you've done a beautiful job!

  7. both the whale and the hippo turned out so well! Well done!

    But I do know what you mean about the sturggle of trying to make something perfectly. There are times I still get really frustrated at myself when something is not turning out as I'd hoped. Mostly, I confess sue to the fact I have higher expectations of my skills that the actual skills I have. But it is so nice when I manage to tell my inner perfectionist to knick off and then just have a go at making something instead.

    Your little baby whale is fantastic!

  8. Aww, they are both gorgeous. I love that your daughter said her whale is all grown up and ready to have a baby whale! I agree with the only seeing the stress though, we have felt like that with our renos. We can only learn from our experiences and feelings x
