Thursday, February 6, 2014

Once upon a time, I had a craft blog

I'm not quite sure sure how it happened - how a few week's break from this place turned into more than a year (and far far more than a year since I posted about anything I had made).

The truth is, I miss what this blog means to me - a space to celebrate making things, a space to be reflective and thoughtful, a way to be part of a really lovely community. 

Of course I can do these things without a blog (and I have in the last year - maybe one day I might even show a little of what I've been up to while the blog was sleeping) - but it helps. 

Two lovely friends have written posts about blogging that sum up my thoughts pretty well.

I am also excited that the wonderful weekly ritual and community that is "my creative space" is making a comeback ... to celebrate, I've decided to take on a new challenge. I've decided to enter the Reginald Softie Portrait Competition

That's it. I've said it. I am going to give it my best shot, stop worrying about how I am going to sew a portrait when I'm still unsatisfied with my drawn attempts so far, and, in the words of the inspiring Kirsty, "have a crack".

(if you are interested, entry details are here)

Wish me luck!


  1. I saw that and wondered should I could I ?? But at the moment, no. Lovely to hear your voice again , it's like the old gang is getting back together! Xxxx

  2. Well done! I dusted my blog off this week too. It feels good and I'm so pleased others are doing the same. Making isn't the same unless you are sharing.

  3. Oh I'm so glad you're going to enter. We've had such great feedback from people who are really enjoying #makingareggie which is what it's all about, a celebration of making and appreciation of great people. Happy making. Can't wait to see what you make.

  4. GO Catherine
    Can't wait to see what you make xo

  5. GO Catherine
    Can't wait to see what you make xo
