Friday, July 23, 2010

A quick hello and a miniblog update

Over here, we're still returning to normal after birthday celebrations (though Miss Mini Blogger is of the opinion it is still her birthday after continuing to receive gifts through the week - to the point that when handed a used train ticket today, she exclaimed "ooh, a ticket present!").

I'm still thinking about birthdays too - specifically the bits of the party that didn't get finished on the day.

I'd planned to make these little butterfly pastries (Donna Hay inspired again!). They seemed easy - but not as easy and fast as taking premade pastries straight from the freezer and putting them on a tray! I made them the day after for a fun lunch. The recipe suggests cutting 10 cm rounds, then shaping them to make butterfly wings. I soon took the lazy route and tried rectangles with little triangles removed - much faster, and the scraps make nice dipping sticks too!

After making little bug jars for all the over one year old guests, I wanted to make something for our littlest guests - these knitted caterpillar finger puppets (inspired by a book known to many a child) seemed like a good idea, except I didn't get them finished in time (and I still haven't finished them - these are some I made a year ago)! I have a new deadline - next week when we'll see them all again...

Finally, Miss Mini Blogger has been putting in some time lately updating her blogging computer - she likes to blog about the treasures she finds around the house (she especially likes the bowl of "things we might use one day"), and wanted to share this with you.

Hope you all have happy weekends!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! You put a massive effort into the party! I laughed to read that the birthday seems to be continuing!

    Sometimes Donna Hay recipes are tricky. I'm currently doing a test-run of a birthday cake.

    I'm envious of your knitting skills ... I think I may have mentioned that before.
