What kind of person begins researching en-route Op Shop locations the moment her family's holiday destination is planned?
What kind of person carefully hand-draws maps of each little town to assist in locating said Op-shops (and even does a little Google street-viewing to be sure?)
and WHAT KIND OF PERSON gets so excited about the trip that she remembers all her Op Shop maps, and leaves the directions to the holiday house back at home?

(luckily my memory served us well, and we found the house without a hitch, enjoying a fun, if cold and windy, holiday!)
Pop over to
Her Library Adventures for lots of lovely finds.
PS: if you like finger puppets, you might want to check out my tiny giveaway
: ) funny, i would too. although i have a terrible memory so we'd probably end up sleeping in the car! : ) you've found some beauties, love those fabrics and the pineapple serving dish, gorgeous! enjoy your holiday!
My kind of person would do exactly that!
Great treasures. Have a lovely time!
Priorities! Too right!
Hope you have a great break away!
That is so funny! Have a lovely holiday! Country op shops really are the best. No point missing such a perfect opportunity!
Thank goodness you remembered the REALLY important directions!
Isn't that the proper way to plan a holiday?! Looks like you had fun exploring the highways and byways. Believe it or not when I was a girl ( and the earth was flat!) we had a wooden pineapple fruitbowl just like the one pictured - sigh - I forget I am not 12 antmore - so sad. Glad you are having a nice holiday.
What kind of person? MY kind of person. Find some treasures?
I laughed because cop this for synergies: I visited the Newcastle area last week (I got back last night) and I took a list of op shops for Maitland, Newcastle and the area we were in but I forgot to print out the driving directions to my cousin's place in Sydney. Op shops are so much more important aren't they?
I'd have to say someone who knows that some minor details take care of themselves and plans for the really, important stuff! I did have a great giggle. Lisa.x
You're my kinda girl, we're on the same page- great that you've got your holiday priorities right. Hope your holiday was fabulous ;)
Haha! I can totally relate! I do the same thing whenever we go anywhere! Love your finds and hope the holiday was good too!
So funny!!
I have actually gone so far as to consider planning an opshopping holiday: yes a holiday in which opshopping is the main activity!!
What gorgeous finds, love the vintage linens and fabrics.
And how great is street view for planning opshopping treks!
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