One of things I had hoped to gain from reverse finds (as well as a less-cluttered home...) was a wider knowledge of ways to move things out of our house, beyond the trusty op-shop (though of course, the op-shop will always be a favourite, the inevitable problem is my tendency to walk out with more than I walk in with...). One of my wishes was to find places I could donate things to directly.
Fortuitously, I recently discovered that an old uni friend of mine works with a local organisation that actually seeks out donations in kind - The St Kilda Gatehouse.
This is who they are (in their words):
"St Kilda Gatehouse is a not for profit organisation which works alongside those who are marginalised and have life controlling addictions, particularly street sex workers. It provides a strong sense of community and belonging in a safe, non-stigmatised environment. For many who come from a background of abuse and poverty it is a source of dignity and hope – where they can find the support and care needed as they attempt to build a life off the streets and beyond drug addiction."
They provide support in many creative ways, from a weekly barbecue, to an annual "sleep-in", to a netball team, to counselling, support groups and crisis care.
They have a list over here of the stuff they often need - from clothes to furniture to paper bags...

I had a look around our place, and found some good clothes that have stayed good over a long time... because they don't actually fit!

I also noticed a huge box under the bed... cutlery given to us at our wedding nearly 5 years ago. I decided it was time to start using it, and packed up the old, basic, but still perfectly good cutlery to give away. A quick email to St Kilda Gatehouse confirmed this would be useful to them, so I packed it up and dropped it all in.
Would you like to join in too? I know Susan has already - hooray! Pop in a link below so we can all cheer each other on...
By the way, I'd originally planned to do a reverse finds post once a month (and this link will be open for a month) - is this a good frequency, or should we try weekly? Let me know in the comments...
Edited to add: I've decided to try for a weekly reverse find throughout Spring (every Saturday) - anyone can join in, any week that suits them!
great idea! i like the idea of reverse finds. i'm in a spring cleaning mood this morning. Just cleaned the whole kitchen, off to clean out the overflowing plastics cupboard now.
They're good practical things to give!
Sorry to be a nag ... I just love the idea. I'm going to try for each week because I'm afraid if I have to leave it to once a month something will get in the way but I'll leave it up to you as to frequency. Are you going to do something each week? Your idea re cutlery is a good one. My drawers are overflowing. Maybe next week.
Brilliant idea! I'm hopeless at decluttering and love to hoard but I'm going to have a rummage and play along.
Sounds like a great idea. I am currently trying to do a huge cull for our school fete next month. Let's see what I can part with.
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