My reverse finds effort this week is a little lazy... all I had to do was carry (or in one case get my husband to carry) some old things to the nature strip. Yep, it was hard waste week!
My contribution was pretty small - a TV that finally gave up a few months ago after being coaxed through existence for nearly a year, needing a half-hour warm up before actually showing anything on its screen; a few big plastic containers that stopped being able to hold water after Melbourne's march hailstorms; and a few old pots (that disappeared within minutes of landing on the nature strip, hooray!).
I even nearly managed to get through hard waste week without adding anything to our place...nearly (I'll show you tomorrow!).
Please add your link below if you'd like to play along - come on, it'll be fun, you can find whatever way suits you to do it (op shop / charity / pass on stuff to friends / have a stall / sell online / whatever), and we can cheer you on!
1 comment:
Oh I love that time of the year! I think nearly all the chairs in our house have come from the side of the road!!! Such a wonderful idea your reverse finds. Will try to get myself organised to join in next week. Have oodles of things that could be donated/sold/repurposed (does that count do you think??) Hope you have a wonderful SUnday :)
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